
Sunday 23 December 2012

Oreo Cheesecake

This is a recipe I've taken form Kak Ummi Kuantan's blog HomeSweetHome. This is the second time I make this cheesecake using this recipe and it turned out well, just like before. The only thing is, my household is not that fancy of anything cheese, as they would find it quite 'heavy', 'luxurious', or simply put, 'too much'. You know what I'm saying right? Therefore, I always have to halve the recipe for anything cheese. So I only use a (250g) block of Philadelphia cream cheese for my version. I still baked mine in an 8-inch round pan, that's why my cheesecake turned out thin. Nevertheless, the taste is still divine!

Originally from Citarasawan (Kak Wan)
Adapted by HomeSweetHome (Kak Ummi)

The base:- (for an 8 inch pan)
  • 300gm oreo cookies - cream removed
  • 75gm melted butter
The Filling:-
  • 500 gm cream cheese
  • 110 gm caster sugar
  • 1/2 tbsp vanilla essence
  • 2 eggs
  • 150ml whipping cream
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 20 oreo cookies (cream removed and broken into quarters)
  1. The Base : Process the cookies in a food processor until fine and mix with the melted butter. Pressed the mixture in a greased 8-inch springform pan. Bake for 15 mins at 160C. Let the base sit while you prepare the filling.
  2. Filling:Beat the cream cheese and caster sugar until well-blended. Beat in the vanilla and eggs, one at a time, followed by whipping cream and lemon juice.
  3. Fold in the oreo pieces.
  4. Pour filling onto the base. (I arrange whole pieces of oreos on top of the filling). Bake in a water bath at 150C for about 40-45 mins, depending on your oven. Turn off the oven and let the cheesecake cool in it with the oven door ajar for 1 hour.
  5. Loosen the cake from the pan with a sharp knife, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight or at least for 4 hours.
  6. Remove the cheesecake from the pan and drizzle with melted chocolate if you like.

Sumber Citarasawan (Kak Wan)
Adaptasi oleh HomeSweetHome (Kak Ummi)
 Bahan Dasar:- (akak guna loyang bulat 8 inci)
  • 200gm biskut oreo - di buang krimnya (*akak guna 300 gm)
  • 50gm mentega cair (*akak guna 75 gm)
Bahan Filing:-
  • 750 gm keju krim (*akak guna 500 gm Philladelphia Cheese)
  • 130 gm gula kaster (*akak letak 110 gm je)
  • 1/2 tbsp esen vanila
  • 3 biji telur (*akak letak 2 biji telor je)
  • 200ml whipping krim (*akak letak 150 ml)
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 15 keping biskut oreo di patah 4 - di buang krimnya (*akak letak 20 keping)
#Acuan springform 4.5" @ 4 biji (Menghasilkan 4 biji mini cheese cake)
atau acuan 8" menghasilkan satu biji.


  1. Dasar Kek : Kisar halus biskut oreo dan gaul dengan mentega cair, tekan padat ke dalam acuan springform/loose base tin 4.5" sebanyak 1/2 cawan padat (*for mini pan). Kalau untuk loyang besar, masukkan kesemuanya dlm pan dan tekan. Bakar selama 15 minit pada suhu 160C. Angkat dan ketepikan.
  2. Filling: Pukul keju krim dan gula hingga sebati, masukkan esen vanila dan telur satu demi satu diikuti dengan whipping krim dan jus lemon. Putar hingga sebati.
  3. Masukkan biskut oreo, gaul rata.
  4. Ambil 1 cawan penuh krim keju (*untuk mini cheesecake) dan tuangkan kesemuanya (*untuk loyang besar) ke atas dasar biskut tadi.
  5. Bakar pada suhu 150C secara water bath selama 45-50 minit. Tutup suis oven dan renggangkan pintu oven biarkan kek sejuk di dalamnya selama 1 jam.
  6. Longgarkan tepi kek dengan pisau tajam mengelilingi acuan. Biarkan sejuk, tutup dengan plastik wrap dan simpan di dalam peti sejuk selama 4 jam atau semalaman.
  7. Keluarkan kek dari acuan dan hias mengikut suka.

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